Feeling Overwhelmed?

By definition – being emotionally overwhelmed means to be completely submerged by your thoughts and emotions about all of life’s current problems, to the point where you lack efficacy and feel frozen or paralyzed. Compare the feeling of being overwhelmed to being submerged after a rough wave. “Overwhelmed”, is probably the word I hear most often when I meet with new…

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Holiday Décor – It’s All Too Much

holiday decor - NextStep Transitions

When we work with clients to downsize, declutter and get them ready to move, one of the top 5 categories we create when sorting their excess belongings is HOLIDAY DECORATIONS.  I was reminded of this after being overwhelmed with the amount of Halloween décor that was evidenced at a recent visit to a local Home…

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Overcoming Clutter Blindness

overcoming clutter blindness, NextStep Transitions

We are in love with our ‘stuff’. One day we wake up surrounded by all our ‘stuff’ and wonder where did it all come from? Or worse, we develop clutter blindness and don’t realize we have too much ‘stuff’ until we fall over it. Here are some tips that will help you overcome your own…

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It’s Called a Junk Drawer for a Reason…

Moving Time Saver Tip, Next Step Transitions

Most people take a junk drawer and scoop out the contents and dump it into a box.  Take a few extra minutes to contain the chaos of all those junk and bathroom drawers by using ziplock bags.  Have several open when working on a drawer.  All decent pencils and working pens in one bag, all…

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Moving Time Saver Tips – Electronics

Moving Time Saver Tip, Next Step Transitions

The problem with electronics and all those components is that they all start to look the same when they are disconnected and in boxes. And all those cords – how do you keep them all organized? If you are not an Audio-Video Specialist, it can be quite the frustrating task to get them all put…

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A Love Letter (of a different sort)

love letter, next step transitions

If you are planning a move or trying to get your personal affairs in order, having your vital documents and personal information organized and readily available is a top priority.   It also happens to be the best gift you could ever give your family in the event of an emergency. It is the ultimate…

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Tell your story – It’s important!

Tell Your Story, Next Step Transitions

All of us have things we save because they have sentimental value.  They are tucked away in our drawers, closets, attics and garages.  These are the things we can’t bear to give away because they are pieces of our past.  Most are ordinary things: a football, a figurine, or an old farm tool.  You tell…

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