What is a Senior Move Manager and Why You Want One!

senior move manager, next step transitions

NextStep Transitions manages moves for people of all ages and walks of life, but managing a move for an older adult is a highly specialized and very personalized service.  This is a service that we have been providing since 2007. Those that discover us before they move say we are lifesavers and they could not…

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Why Moving Your Own Parents Is Not Always The Best Idea

It is ironic to me how many people over-simplify their parents move to a smaller residence or retirement community.  People who lived their entire adult lives in one residence, raised a family in that home and were part of a neighborhood and local community have deep roots. If you want to transplant them successfully, you must do so…

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Moving Out of State? Get Ready for the Big Move!

Preparing for and getting through any move is hard work, but moving out of state means taking on a whole other list of important pre-move to-do’s. Millions of people relocate to another state every year, with the most common reasons being change of employment, retirement, marriage or moving closer to family. All big life events…

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How to Help Your Parents Downsize (and Remain in the Family)

When it comes time to move your parents out of their long-time home, always remember that it’s all about them, not you. Your whole family should be on board and, most importantly, on the same page. This means everyone should be sending the same message. If one sibling is against the move, it could implode…

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Moving Elderly Parents: My Story

Moving Elderly Parents: My Story | www.nextsteptransitions.com

Moving a parent is a lot easier said than done, which I discovered firsthand in the Fall of 2014. For 59 years, my mother had lived in the Eastern Washington home that my father had built, and she was determined never to leave. After all, her whole life was here. Eventually, though, she realized it…

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