Letting Go to Move Ahead.
Losing a spouse or loved one, leaving a home or job you love, watching children leave for school, deciding when it is time to move into smaller spaces – what do all these things have in common? Letting go. Letting go of something you treasure. Losing something that is yours, something you think cannot be replaced or fear the memory will fade and be lost forever if you let it go.
Is that true? I do not think so. I think we need to work on identifying those things, give them the respect they deserve and figure out how we can capture that memory but let go of the thing that no longer serves us. There are many creative ways to say your goodbyes, to rehome things of importance and protect those memories. Possessions, or the fear of their loss should not hold you back from taking that next step.
Everyone needs the time and space to process and capture the memories of their past, their things, and their space. Not giving yourself the time to process, you do yourself a disservice. And one thing I know to be true, if you are forced into making decisions too quickly, we become uncomfortable and what happens when we are uncomfortable? We pull back and want to keep it all. You did not have the chance to say your proper goodbyes, so you take it all with you or in some cases you decide not to move at all.
Instead of keeping your eye on the result you are striving for, you got lost in the “things” and the past and cannot move forward.
Perhaps what is more important than the act of letting go is taking the time to identify what your end game is. What is the goal, the prize you seek? Why are you considering this major life event? What are the positives that surround this move or downsize? We need to spend more time defining what the prize is, what are the benefits and the positive outcomes we want. What does your next chapter look like, where will it be, why is it a positive step for you. Identify and clarify the “why” you are moving or downsizing. Once that goal becomes clear, when you know where you are headed, letting go becomes a little easier. Replace the negative resistance of losing something with the positive feeling of a new adventure and the possibilities are endless. It will not be about loss at all, it will be about another beginning.
Flip that imaginary switch in your brain from negative, I am losing it all, to positive anticipation of new possibilities.
So, what is your next step? What are the benefits you can focus on? Define it. Picture it and all the wonderful new things it will bring.
Christy Urdal is owner of NextStep Transitions, a relocation and home transitions specialist in the greater Seattle area. She helps people with downsizing, move management, getting homes ready to go on the market and many other home and relocation related services. Her specialty is assisting Seniors as they transition from their lifelong residence into smaller spaces. 206-276-7271.