Local Moving – What You Should Know

If you are moving locally and are planning to hire a moving company to help you, there are a couple of things you should know about how things really work out there in mover land. Not all is created equal but if you are armed with the right information you can be a savvy, informed consumer.

First – you should only book your move with a licensed and insured moving company. All moving companies are regulated by the State of Washington and must conform to all the rules put forth by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Committee. You can verify their permit with this link:


Second – find out what their hourly rate is. The State of Washington has a sliding scale that moving companies can use to determine their hourly rate for a truck and labor. For example, the state says that the minimum amount that a mover can charge for a typical truck and 3-person crew is $97.19 per hour and the maximum they can charge is $264.76 per hour– that is a pretty large discrepancy! Most companies will be aiming for somewhere in the middle range, that competitive sweet spot. Larger companies, the ones that have a bigger overhead, more employee benefits, large warehouses and extensive equipment inventories, will likely have a higher rate than the smaller moving company with a limited labor pool, smaller truck inventory and little or no warehouse capacity. The rate does not indicate that one is necessarily better than the other, but it can sometimes make a difference in services offered, their experience levels and their capability to meet your needs. For example, not all movers are equally adept at providing packing services or storage solutions. Some movers just move. Know what services you need, find out about the company’s experience level and what their rates are before making a final decision.

Third – Understand that you will pay for actual time and materials provided by the moving company, plus travel time. What they might quote you over the phone or online is only an estimate and actual charges can be more or less than estimated. Working with a company that provides in-home estimates is the best approach as they can see your belongings, look at access issues like parking and stairs or elevators that slow the move process down and can council you on what you need to do to be ready to move. Online estimating is rarely accurate and is usually where the problems start when time comes for the final bill.

Fourth – Check out their references on Google and Yahoo. Ask your friends and associates if they have a good experience with a mover. Having a trusted referral is always recommended over just finding any old company online.

Fifth – Be ready! Most people are not ready when the moving company arrives. This is usually the #1 reason that moves go over their estimated time. You must be ready to go. Boxes should be packed, labeled, and sealed, electronics unplugged and boxed, beds stripped of bed lines, clutter cleared off the furniture that is moving, lamps unplugged, and shades packed. The list goes on, but I think you get my drift.

Shop wisely for a reputable moving company with competitive rates, but the most efficient, economical move is one where you the consumer are organized and ready to go.

Christy Urdal is owner of NextStep Transitions LLC, and a relocation and home transitions specialist in the greater Seattle area. She helps people with downsizing, move management, getting homes ready to go on the market and many other home and relocation related services. Her specialty is assisting Seniors as they transition from their lifelong residence into smaller spaces. www.nextsteptransitions.com