Make Your Next Move a GREAT MOVE
Moving is tough! I’ve never met anyone that LIKES to move, including myself. But it is a normal life event. Families grow and need more space. It is time to downsize and move to something smaller. You’ve accepted a new job in a new city and you need to move. The house is too big. The house is too small. There are hundreds of reasons that make moving a reality, so embrace it and do it right!
My passion is to help people make their best move. I’ve seen thousands of moves over the years and I know what works and what doesn’t!
10 Things You Really Must Do To Have A Good GREAT Move
1. Take time to plan! Look at your calendar. Get a notebook and start writing down all the things that need to happen before the move. Work backwards from your move date. People never give themselves the proper amount of time to plan and prepare for their move.
2. Assess your volume and density level! Yep, you read it right – volume and density level. Hard to accept that your life’s possessions are measured in the form of density isn’t’ it? Sad but true. The energy, cost and time to move are all based on how much there is to move. The more you have the longer it will take to get ready.
3. Don’t move what you don’t need or want!! This is your chance for a clean start!! Get through those papers, cull out the clothes, discard the excess, have your kids give up those extra toys! Get rid of all the donation and disposal items before you move. Your relocation costs are based on how much you move.
4. Decide who is doing what. Do you need help? Could you benefit from a Move Management Company? (Yes, of course you could!) Who is doing the packing? If you are doing your own packing, you need to give yourself ample time to get it done right!
5. Get your moving estimates early. Talk to friends and do your research for referrals for moving companies. DO NOT BOOK YOUR MOVE ON THE INTERNET!!! Huge mistake. Call a reputable moving company that has the proper operating credentials and have them do a physical survey and provide you with a written estimate. You should get three estimates.
6. Know where you are going? Work on your space and furniture plans so you know where things are to be placed at your new residence. Movers like to move things once – think about and have a plan for where all your things are going to go. It will save time and frustration on the other end if you have a PLAN. Think ahead.
7. You can’t be too organized! Get like things together and eliminate the duplicates or triplicates. Pack and label your possessions so that they are easy to unpack. Label them for where they are going so the movers will place in the correct room.
8. Have your dishes washed, your refrigerator cleaned out and get all garbage taken out before the movers arrive. Movers are there to pack and move, they are not there to wash dishes, empty trash cans or figure out what moves and what doesn’t.
9. Pack your bags with clothing you and your family will need along with medications, toiletries, important documents and any other must have items. Keep them away from the moving frenzy so they don’t end up on the moving van!
10. Be ready on Move Day. Everything that fits into a box should be packed, labeled, taped shut and ready to go. All electronics and electrical appliances should be unplugged and cords labeled. Movers should have clear access to everything that is moving.
People have good moves because they are prepared and ready to move. People that have bad moves are generally not ready to move and things turn quickly into chaos which ends up a moving nightmare. We like to blame bad moves on the moving company because it’s easier to blame someone else right? But truth be told, most bad moves are the result of our own doing!
So……Plan, Execute and be Prepared!