Moves Happen….no matter what
This is the time of year most people just want to curl up in a blanket and read a book! No one really likes to go out in the rainy, cold weather and certainly no one likes to move during the damp and cold months of winter but moving does not always pick the most opportune times! Moves happen 12 months a year, in the rain, snow and sun. When you need to move, you need to move, and we don’t always get to pick the when. So, when you must deal with a move in inclement weather, here are a few tips to make things a little less soggy and a little more palatable.
- Ask the mover to use shrink wrap or wrap your furniture in moving blankets before they take things out of your residence. This will keep your furniture from getting damp on the way to or from the truck.
- Ask the mover to provide carpet or floor runners to protect your floors, especially at the entrance points. If they don’t provide floor protection, bring extra area rugs to lay down at entrances and in hallways.
- Have extra towels and rags available to wipe down the furniture as it comes in to remove any moisture before it damages the finish.
- Have a roll or two of paper towel ready to wipe up drips and tracks from mover’s shoes as they bring things into your residence. If it is raining hard those drips can go on for a while.
- If you are hand carrying things in your car, make sure they are protected with trash bags to keep the elements at bay. Rain drops or snowflakes on a lampshade or piece of art can ruin it. Remove the plastic bags in a garage or entry way to keep the drips from spreading.
- Lay sheets, blankets or cardboard down on the floor before you stack your boxes. This keeps any wet boxes off the floor and will protect the floors from any moisture damage.
- Empty the dampest boxes first! If it is really raining hard, there is nothing worse than the smell of wet cardboard and damp cardboard also acts like a wick and can soak in moisture quickly and damage the contents of the carton.
- Get the lights on! Moving during the winter months can be dark business. Get the lights on so you can see what is happening. It also helps to lighten the mood.
- Dress warm and have a coat available. Moving is not the time to brave the elements and run the risk of getting sick. Be smart.
- Most important tip of all – Keep your sense of humor!
Moving during the dreary months of winter can be challenging but if you prepare for it and have the essentials ready it won’t be a bad as you think it might be. Living in the Northwest we adjust our actions on a regular basis to manage the incremental weather. Moving during the rain is just another day in the life and it too will pass.
Christy Urdal is owner of NextStep Transitions, LLC and a relocation and home transition specialist in the greater Seattle area. She helps people with downsizing, move management, getting their homes ready for the market, and many other home related services.