Tell your story – It’s important!

All of us have things we save because they have sentimental value.  They are tucked away in our drawers, closets, attics and garages.  These are the things we can’t bear to give away because they are pieces of our past.  Most are ordinary things: a football, a figurine, or an old farm tool.  You tell yourself that you plan to give the item to your children or grandchildren, but what if you were no longer able to tell the story of this special keepsake?  Who will know that the football was your grandfather’s game ball when he played for the Huskies, or that the figurine was purchased in Paris on your honeymoon, and the farm tool came from the old homestead in Norway? These precious items often find their way to estate sales, auction houses and antique stores because family members do not know the stories that are attached. 

But, what if you wrote the story down?  A story can make “just stuff” become something that has meaning and history.  In many cases, it may be the first time your family is even aware of the item and its significance.  My advice to everyone is to tell your stories and take time to write them down. 

Tips on how to tell your story:

  1. For each item, your story should include where it came from, who gave it to you, when you received it, and why it is special.  If you know its value or have the original receipt, include that too.  
  2. Write the story on note paper or post-it notes and attach the written story to the item.  Or – you can use a journal to record and number the items, placing a corresponding label with the item number on the piece.  Keep the journal with your home documents
  3. You could use a spreadsheet.   Periodically print out a copy and store with your other important documents. 
  4. Place small items in a zip lock bag with your note or label included.  
  5. Do your children a favor by recording the intended recipient, if that is your wish.
  6. Feeling overwhelmed?  Ask or hire someone to help.

Without the history, prized possessions become just things.  If it is important enough to keep, your family will cherish your stories. They will be thankful you took the time to pass on some family history. 

As a home transition specialist, I help people sort through their possessions to find the important and necessary and let go of things that are not.  Finding treasures, complete with their history, and then watching family members discover something they never knew about their parents is an amazing experience.  So, tell your story!

Christy Urdal is owner of NextStep Transitions, LLC and a relocation and home transition specialist in the greater Seattle area.  She helps people with downsizing, move management, getting their homes ready for the market, and many other home related services.