You Can’t Take It All, but You Can Take What is Important

Some people think when they move into a retirement community or downsize to a smaller space that they have to give up everything.  That is a big reason why many people put off moving for so long – sometimes too long.  They are not ready to leave behind all the things that bring them joy.  I do not believe that you have to.  As long as something has a home and a place to go, there is no reason why you can’t take it with you.   I like things too. Some would say I might have too many things, but I have learned to cull out the excess and keep just what has significance to me and more importantly that I have a space for.  I don’t believe in cramming for the sake of getting more in.  I’m a believer that there has to be a home for things that are moving.  I believe in making the space work for you in a fashion that represents you and has space for those things that are most precious but also has space for those things that are necessary.

With thoughtful planning you can take many of your favorite things with you.  

A few ideas to ponder – 

  • You may not be able to fit the big china cabinet, but the corner cabinet would work to showcase a few of your favorite pieces.
  • You likely won’t need your set of china, but you could start using it for everyday and take a set of 4 or 6.  Sometimes just keeping a cup and saucer will do to satisfy that need to see it and remember.
  • Bookcases can substitute for display cases and do double duty as both a bookcase for a select group of books and a few of your favorite décor items.
  • If you are a big book enthusiast, art collector or hobbyist you may need to consider custom cabinetry or a wall unit to increase the available space with shelving, built in base cabinets or a work surface.
  • Pick furniture pieces that can do double duty.  The entry chest with the drawers or the buffet in the dining room might now work well in the living room for storage and to hold the TV.
  • Go vertical – use that wall space.  You will be surprised at how much you have.  
  • We always encourage artwork to move with you.  Most people have pieces that represent them and they can do the same at your new place.
  • Get the TV up on the wall to free up some space for a cabinet or bookcase.  
  • Switch from your large computer and monitor to a laptop that takes up  less space.
  • Have a collection of plates on the wall? Pick a few of your favorites to take.
  • You may not have room for every picture of every grandchild given to you over the years but you might have room for the most current picture or latest family portrait.  
  • Think outside of the box.  Identify those treasures that you cannot live without and then plan for where they will live in your new home.  And as you pick out your favorites use this time to gift the others to friends, family or a charity that would appreciate them.  
  • Parting is such sweet sorrow, but you can create a new space which represents you and makes you feel like you are home.

NextStep Transitions helps people during all stages of moving.  We help to identify what is important and what is necessary.  We do space plans to determine your furniture needs and we help figure how much closet and cupboard space you have so we know where everything is going to fit.  We help to create your next home and we take care of all the steps necessary to get there.